HZI BioMethan completes first biogas project as part of new company structure

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HZI BioMethan completes first biogas project as part of new company structure

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Hitachi Zosen Inova BioMethan (HZIB) handed over the biogas plant in Meaux, France, to the client on August 19, 2016, this being its first such project conducted in full as part of the new company structure.
The project to construct a biogas plant with an upgrading facility was acquired shortly after MT BioMethan was integrated into Hitachi Zosen Inova AG in March 2015. Acting as general contractor, HZIB – which is still based in Zeven, Germany – began the construction of the plant at Chauconin-Neufmontiers in the Meaux district in September 2015. The Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) was signed on August 19, 2016, and the plant was handed over to the client, Biogaz Meaux, which also took over operational management. This marks the completion of the first project executed in its entirety by HZI BioMethan.
Technologies tailored to requirements
In accordance with the client’s requirements, HZI BioMethan installed a wet digestion system in the plant, the first time it had constructed such a system in France. The upgrading facility was equipped with pressure-driven membrane technology, which will deliver an average gas yield of 130Nm3/h in the initial project phase. This figure is set to be doubled in the second phase, with production increasing to 260Nm3/h or 2.21 million Nm3 of biomethane per year from October 2017. To facilitate this increase, HZIB already included a possible expansion in upgrading capacity in the initial phase of the project. To ensure a high degree of flexibility in daily operations, the plant has also been fitted with a monitoring system that automatically regulates performance, for example if there should be a fluctuation in biogas production or if the gas network is at full capacity. The upgraded biomethane will be injected into the grid of Gaz Réseau Distribution France (GRDF), the largest network operator in France, and then on to the end-users.
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