Under New Management: Hitachi Zosen KRB Becomes HZI Service Centre for Switzerland

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Under the leadership of Sebastian Nikolaus, Hitachi Zosen KRB in Buchs (Canton St Gallen) is to be the central service site for all Swiss customers of the Hitachi Zosen Inova Group. The service activities of KRB will be expanded to include all services of the HZI group.

Buchs, Switzerland. Since 1 July 2021, Hitachi Zosen KRB (KRB), based in Buchs (Canton St Gallen), a subsidiary of Hitachi Zosen Inova AG (HZI) in Zurich, has been under new management. The new Managing Director, Sebastian Nikolaus, has been familiar with HZI and its technologies, products, and customers for some considerable time, having spent several years already as a process engineer and project manager with HZI. He will focus closely on developing local service activities and the ongoing development of KRB. One of the first steps will be that KRB coordinates all service activities of the HZI Group for Switzerland. All Swiss customers of HZI and KRB will receive the accustomed professional service on a bundled basis, and KRB will continue to draw on the network and the diverse skills of the sites Zurich, Cologne, and Milan. For this matter Sebastian Nikolaus also holds the position as Country Manager Switzerland for all HZI service activities. The new organisation will enable customer requests to be handled more quickly and precisely and establishes KRB as a central service HZI point for Switzerland.

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